Exact name of your business/organization:
Kindly state the purpose of your website: (Is it a selling/informative website or a personal blog? etc.):
As per the navigation of your website, kindly state the title of your WebPages: (E.g.: Company Profile, Contact us etc.):
What type of overall feeling would you like to project with your new Website Domain? (Corporate, fun, high-tech, etc...) Leave this field blank if you would like us to make this determination:
Please give a brief description of your business: (What type of products or services does your company supply? etc...):
State the target audience of your website:
State the target Competitors of your website:
Do you have any specific design, preferences? If yes, please mention a reference: (If you have any particular likes or dislikes regarding any competitor's website etc.):
Do you have any additional comments:
Do you have a Domain Name:
Do you want us to provide hosting for your website:
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